Saving Kale Seeds

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a great weekend.

Several years ago, I bought kale plants at our local greenhouse.  I got them in the fall. We enjoyed lots of kale that fall from them. They died back in the winter. Then came back in the spring. They have did this for 3 or 4 years now.

So this year, I decided to save seeds from them. First I let the seed pods dry out on the plant. Then I gathered them.

Put the seeds on a paper plate to dry for about a week.

Put them in a ziploc bag to save till time to plant. I don’t usually try to save these small seeds but I thought these would be worth it.

Enjoy your day and God bless.

Garden Update

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I did a garden update.

Things are growing good considering how dry it is. I really like the weed fabric.

These three pictures are of the upper garden. Just look at those beautiful peppers! They are a new to me variety called gypsy peppers. I got the seed from Hoss Tools.

This picture shows the raised beds I added this spring. I love how the A frame looks. Also check out the row of tomatoes!

This is the lower garden. I plant it a little later than the upper garden so we can harvest all summer. Those beautiful squash plants are volunteers. As of right now, I have no idea what variety they are. Time will tell!

I have beans and rampicante squash planted in this bed. The beans are Roma and they are almost ready to pick. See my ever faithful companion at the gate.

The rampicante squash is growing very nicely on the trellis. I have plants on both sides. Hopefully they will grow and meet in the middle. We grew this squash last year and loved it. It is a dual purpose squash. Great as a summer squash but also as a winter squash. We made soup from them last year and froze it. It was delicious! We are hoping to make more this year.

That’s all for now. I hope you all have a great day. God bless!


Dave and I have been working on a few projects at his house. This is the finished product of one of these projects. Recently I posted the first pergola build that we did. We finished the second one this past weekend and got the roof on.

The metal roofing is so nice. I love the color.

We poured some cement the weekend before that. It serves two purposes. It is a good solid step and a base for leveling up the pergola.

This area will get lots of use.

God bless.

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