Happy Friday!

Good morning everyone! I hope you have all had a good week! Things are good here. The weather has been nice this week but it has cooled down today. We are expecting a few inches of snow Sunday, which, in my opinion, would be awesome. We have had no snow this winter. Just a few flurries. Above is a little doily I made this week. I used spring pastel colors. I really like it! I followed this video to make it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J5xqHyxJw8I

I went to our local greenhouse the other day to pick up some potting soil. I also got these beautiful basil plants and a few dill plants. I got these stackable pots at dollar tree a few years back. They are not my favorite pots but they might work good for these herbs.

I also got this super cute garden flag at the greenhouse. The flowers on the lady bug’s wings are embroidered. I plan on waiting until May to put this up in the garden. Hopefully it won’t be as windy then.

I successfully overwintered this parsley and rosemary. I kept them on my glassed in front porch. This makes me very happy as I have not had them survive a winter here before. I plan on planting all the herbs in pots this year and I am going to try remember to bring them all in next fall 😉

I wanted to share Grace’s latest drawing. I think they are SO adorable!

That’s all for now. God bless!

Soup and Mulch

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a great weekend! Things have been good here.

Yesterday I decided to can up some vegetable beef soup. This is one of our favorite soups. I really enjoy having it canned. If you haven’t tried canning soups and such, I highly recommend it. So convenient to just open a jar. I can chili beans, taco soup, beef stew…all kinds of easy meals like that.

Beautiful weather here today so I decided to work a little on the mulch pile.

It is slowly getting moved to the garden.

We are going over to Jess’s in a little bit to do the Universal Yums box that they get. It is so much fun trying different snacks from around the world.

I hope you have a great day! God bless!


Good morning everyone! Exciting day here on the farm. Today is tomato seed starting day. It is a little earlier than I usually start them but the “signs” were right for today. Coming up is flowering signs and then the moon goes into dark phase until March 23rd and I think that would be too late to start them. I know, call me crazy for following all this moon phase stuff but it is the way my mom planted and it worked for her. Besides, I really think it is fun! Above is a picture of the cherry tomato varieties I started,

These are the paste tomato varieties,

Yellow and striped varieties,

And slicers!

I know this seems like a lot but mostly only one or two plants of each variety will go in the garden. Many are new to me and many are old reliables. Very exciting!!

God bless!


Good morning everyone! I hope you have all been having a good week. I thought I would show an update on our seedlings so far.

The broccoli and cabbage have been moved up to larger pots and are doing really well so far. Some of the herbs are surprisingly alive so I am hopeful that I will get to pot them up soon.

Some of the peppers have germinated and I moved them up into these trays. The larger peppers are the Sugar Rush peach and the Shishito that I started earlier. The smaller ones were planted 9 days ago. I have more but they have not sprouted yet. Some were old seeds so they may not sprout. That’s ok though, I have plenty of time to start more seeds.

I hope you enjoy your day and God bless!

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