

I thought I would show you all another picture of the roses in the tree.  I took this one this morning looking down from the girl’s bedroom window.  They have really looked beautiful this year.

We are still working on school as we took about a month break before and during vacation.  We only lack 10 more days if we do double lessons every day.  Then I think we will take off the summer.  We are looking forward to it.


After school we plan on making strawberry rhubarb jam.  I posted the recipe here  I have made this jam for many, many years.  The recipe I normally use is a little different than this one but I want to give this one a try.

Today I am looking forward to hanging clothes on the line, doing school, making jam and hanging out with my girls.  I have such a blessed life.  Enjoy your day and God bless.



Hello everyone!  We have finally moved out of the rain and cold and into sun and warmth.  I am glad.  I am definitely ready for warmer weather and sunshine.  I have clothes on the line, windows open and enjoying the day.  I just finished baking chocolate chip banana muffins.  I have rolls rising for supper tonight so all this added together makes my home smell wonderful.

Well, just a short post to let everyone know what has been going on here.  I hope you all have a great day and God bless.



Friday these beautiful red winged blackbirds stopped by our feeders for a little snack.  They are usually the first birds to return in the spring.  They are a week earlier this year than last year.  Hopefully, that means an early spring.   However, this morning was no indication that spring is on its way.  Wind chill temperature -10 degrees with snow on the ground.  Well, the snow is gone now and the wind chill now is 5 degrees so we are warming up some.

Not much going on here.  I have started work on Sam’s quilt.  I have all the 5 x 5 in. squares cut out and am ready to start sewing them together.  School has went well this week.   Did I mention to you all about the last batch of homemade laundry soap I made using the laundry bar soap instead of fels naptha?  Well, those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that in the past I have had trouble with the homemade laundry soap.  My clothes seem to get a dingy look and the towels became really non-absorbent.  I know, strange stuff, but strange happens a lot here.  I guess it is our water that causes these problems.  Well, so far I have had no problems using this batch.  It is a little bit different recipe than I have tried before but I think the real difference is using homemade laundry bar soap.  I will try to remember to keep you all updating as to how it is doing.

Well, I better get busy.  Church tonight and the menu is baked potato bar.  Sounds delicious to me.  I really like baked potatoes.  Enjoy your Sunday and God bless.


Hello everyone!  I hope you all are having a good week so far.  We have definitely had an assortment of weather types here this week.  The first of the week was beautiful, warm.  Our temperature one day was 70 degrees.  It felt like spring.  I hung clothes out on the line.    Then the rain came-in buckets.  We had heavy downpours of rain and high wind.  Now the cold is here.  Our temperature this morning is 10 degrees.  We have wind gusts of 50 mph, wind chill temps below zero, and snow on the ground.  It is very cold.

School has went well this week.  On Wednesday, we helped a friend by changing some light fixtures.  They are moving into a new place and are doing some small upgrades to the place before they move in.  We took our school with us.  As I have said before, this is one of the things we love about homeschooling.  School adjusts to our schedule not our schedule adjusting to school.  It was a nice day.  We did a lot of catch-up as we had not really seen them in a while.

Well, I guess that’s about it.  Stay warm and God bless.

Mrs. Sally’s Decorations


We love to visit Mrs. Sally and see all her Christmas decorations.  Her walls are covered with these beautiful wall hangings she has made.


She also has so many nativity scenes.


This one came from Israel.  I think it is my favorite.


She has lots of snowmen.


We had a really nice visit.  She cooked a beef roast with potatoes and carrots.  I took fresh made rolls and an oatmeal pie.

Not much going on here.  Just normal stuff.  Hubby is gone to work and I am letting the girls sleep in a little bit.  Clothes are in the machine washing and dishes are waiting.

I hope you all have a great day and God bless.

Sunrise, Geese and Jasper


Not much going on here this morning.  Grace is practicing piano and Julie has already practiced.  Then we will do the regular morning chores of sweeping, shaking rugs, etc.  Then time for school.


It is a beautiful day here.  Lots of sunshine.  We were a little cool last night-mid 30’s.  I will probably have to build a fire by this evening.  It is chilly in the house-62 degrees-but I am hoping it warms up in here as the day goes by.  I have clothes in the washer ready to go on the line to dry.


I took this picture of Jasper this morning as he was on duty.  There are calves that get out continuously.  Jasper takes his duty very seriously.  He makes sure they know their boundaries.  He does not allow them in the yard.  He has learned well this summer.  I think he will be a very good farm dog.

Well, Grace is almost done practicing so I better get busy.  I hope you all have a great day and God bless.

Snowball bush


Some of you all might remember this picture from last year.  Last year’s post was titled “Snowball bloom” because it only had one bloom on it.  This year it looks like this.


It has lots and lots of bloom on it. 


Today is foggy here.  Very damp.  I was hoping to hang clothes outside on the line to dry but I don’t think that is going to happen.  It is fairly warm though-55 degrees.  We are working on school this morning.  Then I have an appointment to get two tires put on the car and get an inspection sticker.  I guess that will fill up my afternoon.  By the time I get back it will be time for supper.  We are having homemade soup this evening with grilled cheese sandwiches.  I used the remainder of the  pork that I cooked Saturday for the soup.  the girls and I are having chocolate gravy for lunch.  It is one of their favorites. 

Well, it is time for me to go check math problems.  I hope you all have a great day and God bless.

Apple Tree


Our apple tree is in full bloom.  It certainly looks like we will have lots of apples on it-if the warmer weather holds out with no frost.  Our temperature was 36 degrees this morning.  It has already warmed up to lower 50’s.  As I type, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, clothes are drying on the line.  I truly have a blessed life.  Thank you, Lord!

We will be starting school in a little bit.  After school, I need to go into our little town and get a few things.  Then hopefully get home and get a few things done here.  I want to get our seeds started this week.  Tomorrow, Julie has an eye appointment in C-burg.  This usually is an all day thing.  We want to visit Goodwill while we’re over there.  The girls are hoping to find a few books.  Our Goodwill has an actual used book store in a separate building.  It will be a fun girls day out. 

Our back road is full of wild spring flowers.  We see something new blooming every time we travel that way.  Yesterday, the columbine was blooming.  I so enjoy seeing all the spring flowers come to life.



Enjoy your day and God bless.

Fresh Mullein Tea


One of our favorite drinks in spring is mullein tea.   It is so refreshing and has a slightly minty taste.  The other day Grace had gathered some leaves from the tractor road.  We have already drank that up so I thought we better make some more.  Mullein has many medicinal purposes.  We drink it because we just think it tastes good.

After gathering the leaves, I break them apart and put into a large kettle.  Kettle size is based on how much mullein we have  gathered.  Cover the leaves with water and bring to a boil.  Turn heat down and simmer for 10-15 min.  Strain and sweeten to taste.  This can be used hot or cold.  I made a post last fall about drying mullein.  You can read about it here.

Today has been a nice day here in Floyd.  We had some morning rain but the skies are clear now.  Our temperature is upper 60’s with a good breeze.  If you notice, we almost always have a breeze here.  This is good in the summer, not so good in the winter.   Anyway, clothes are on the line drying in the breeze.  I love it. 

I hope you all have a great day and God bless.

Fruit Trees


Yesterday evening the girls and I planted 6 fruit trees.  Grace dug every hole.  She was very excited about getting fruit trees.  As you can see, she has  good helpers- the cats and the chickens.



And, of course, our ever faithful Shadow.


We planted an asian pear, bartlett pear, plum tree, golden delicious apple tree, golden transparent apple tree, and a nectarine tree.  We hope to get 2 cherry trees in April.  While we were working on the trees, Hubby was busy trimming the blackberries.


It was a nice, productive evening.   After we finished planting, we went to get the clothes off the line and a huge flock of geese flew directly over our heads to land in the field.  Of course, we had already put the camera up so I couldn’t get a picture.  It would have made a beautiful picture though. 

Today will be school as usual.  Hopefully, with more outside work afterward.  Enjoy your day and God bless.

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