More Snow Pictures


I thought I would show you all a few more snow pictures.  This picture is of our road.


Icicles hanging from the front porch.  I love the blue of the sky!


Floyd is full of old barns.


Papa Goose standing guard.  Mama Goose is already nesting!  Hopefully, we will soon have lots of goslings swimming around.  We are not sure of Mama Duck is nesting or not. I guess time will tell.

I am trying a new recipe for hamburger buns.  I got the recipe from here.  I’ll let you all know how they turn out.  I am making them using all whole wheat flour.  I’m not sure how that will go over with everyone. I usually do half whole wheat and half all purpose but I am hoping to move us over to more all whole wheat.  We are having hamburgers (on the homemade buns), french fries and cole slaw for supper.

I also wanted to tell you all how much we like the new yogurt recipe I have been making.  I have the recipe here vanilla yogurt.  I am making another batch today for us and will be making one tomorrow to take down to Jessica when we go.  This yogurt is kinda sweet and flavored.  It is delicious served with fresh fruit.  We like that much better than plain yogurt.  I think I will substitute strawberry flavoring for the vanilla next time and see how that turns out.

Well, time for lunch.  Enjoy your day and God bless.



Remember This


You all remember this little dress.  I got it at Goodwill before we even knew what Jess was going to have.  Well, this weekend when we went down for our Christmas get together, Jess had dressed her in it.  She looked darling!


It amazes me every time I see her how much she has grown.  The boys were too busy for me to get a picture of them.  Maybe next time.  We had a great visit with lots of good food. 

Yesterday I put a deer roast on in the crockpot before we left for church.  Pastor Tom’s message was very good.  He preached from Isaiah 40:3-5.  We had deer roast, french fries, green beans and homemade rolls for “lupper” with homemade candy for dessert.  Then we just chilled for the rest of the day.  Our church was going caroling and giving out fruit baskets last night.  However, Julie is suffering from a head cold, so we did not go. 

Well, that’s about it.  I hope you all have a great day and God bless.

An Old Lamp


As you all know, I love old things.  My mother-in-law gave me this old lamp while we were down helping her move.  It needed a new shade and a little cleaning.  Grace cleaned it for me and we are on the lookout for a shade that will do it honor.   I have it on top of my treadle sewing machine for now. 

We are getting some much needed rain here today.  I understand we are about 4 in. below normal on our water level.  It seems very cozy, the rain on the tin roof, a warm fire.   I think I need to light some candles to make it even cozier.

We are working on school today.  Also cleaning house.  The ladies will be coming tomorrow for bible study.  Tomorrow will be our last lesson in this study, “Women who believed God”.  It has been a good study.  Tonight’s menu is sloppy joes, french fries, green beans and a peach pie with homemade whipped creme for dessert.  YUM!

I hope you all have wonderful day and God bless.

P.S.  In answer to the question about what sassafras tea tastes like, it resembles a root beer or birch beer taste.  You can drink it hot or cold.  We prefer hot but it is good cold.

Butterfly Paradise


This is a picture of our butterfly bush and our rose of sharon.  I think this is a very pretty spot in our yard.  The butterflies and the hummingbirds really love this area so there is always lots of activity here.


Just one of the many who enjoy.


Our gooseberries.  This bush has been loaded this year.  The girls and I so enjoy eating them.  I looked them up on the internet once and read that they are a dessert gooseberry.  They are very sweet and delicious.  I am thinking about looking up a recipe for gooseberry pie.  I think it would be good.

Yesterday for ” lupper” we enjoyed steak on the grill, french fries, steamed carrots and broccoli.  The broccoli was our first from the garden.  So very good!  I know lots of you think I misspelled supper, but ” lupper” is our name for a late lunch and an early supper.  We just combine lunch and supper together and got the word “lupper”.  We have “lupper” a lot when Hubby is home and then have just a little snack later in the evening. 

Time for me to go hang some clothes on the line, enjoy God’s sunshine and the birds beautiful songs.  Enjoy your day and God bless.

Thursday’s Fun





Here are some pictures of the fun we had last Thursday on Jess and Daniel’s visit.  In the first picture, we are outside playing, the next picture is coltsfoot (one of our earliest wildflowers to bloom).  We took a ride around the farm in “MawMaw’s bumpy truck”.  On the tractor road, we spotted these kildeer walking on the road.  Jess took the picture from the truck.  I think they might have a nest somewhere close as they did not want to leave thier area.  The last picture is Daniel, thinking.  I am not exactly sure but it looks like he is trying to figure out how to get the sawdust in his wheelbarrow.  We had lots of fun!

Tonight’s menu is pork tenderloin on the grill, french fries and corn on the cob-frozen from our garden last year.  I gathered some rhubarb today and plan to make rhubarb dumplings for dessert. 

Rosemary Marinade Recipe

1/3 cup soy sauce

1/4 cup lemon juice

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp minced garlic

2-4 tsp dried rosemary-crushed

Combine all ingredients.  Pour over beef, chicken, or pork. (I use this on all types of meat).   School is finished for today.  Time to enjoy the sun.  We got our bikes out today, pumped up the tires,and oiled the chains.  We rode for a little while.  Long enough for me to discover how out of shape I am.  It will take a while before I can keep up with the girls.  I hope to work some on the garden this evening.  We have some clean up to do before Hubby can plow.  I hope you all enjoy your evening.  Take care and God bless.

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