
Hi everyone!  Today is a beautiful day here in Floyd.  Actually it has been a beautiful week so far.  Our nighttime temperatures have been in the mid 40’s and daytime highs are low 70’s.  Perfect temps in my opinion.

Sunday we took the girls to Tweetsie Railroad for a day out.  We had actually planned on going with Dave, Jess and kids but the kids had some type of virus going on.  Daniel and Sam had it earlier in the week and we thought maybe Katie had escaped getting it.  However, Saturday afternoon Katie came down with it so they did not get to go with us.   Hubby actually decided to go with us at the last minute.  He is not much for amusement parks but I think he didn’t want us going alone.  We had a really fun day but kept missing Jess and crew.  Sam so loves trains.

Today we are working with apples, SURPRISE!  We also had 4 more l00 lb sacks of apples gave to us Friday evening.  We will have plenty of apples this winter.  I am juicing most of the ones gave to us Friday.  We are making applesauce and applebutter too.  Our steam juicer and our sauce maker sure do make this work go faster.  I am very glad we have them.

Seems like we have been so busy here.  I haven’t had time to make a post or read anyone else’s posts.  I will try to catch up some today.  Enjoy your day and God bless.



Toy Chest



Remember last week I said we were working on a wood project.  Well here it is.  I couldn’t post about it then because we wanted it to be a surprise.  Daniels birthday is coming up so we made him a much needed toy chest.  The train on the front was my first time painting a design on a project.  It was fun, however I was concerned I would mess it up.  It turned out okay though.  Daniel seemed to like it and Mom really liked it.  Now she has a place for some of his toys.  He loves trains and tractors.  I looked for a stencil but couldn’t find one so we just made our own.  George got the picture from the internet.  I cut it out and traced it on the wood, then painted it in.  I told him he should make some more perhaps to sell.   We’ll see.  Gotta go gather beets.  God Bless.

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