Colts Foot


I took these pictures about 2 weeks ago.  Believe it or not, everything is covered with snow here right now.  Our temperature is 15 degrees with a wind chill of zero.  Our winds are about 20-25 mph.  3 inches of snow fell yesterday.   Definitely winter weather.


But I know this won’t last much longer.  Spring is just around the corner.  You can feel the difference in the air.  Well, maybe not today but other days you can feel the difference.

Saturday we went down to Jessica’s.  We planted some onion sets, lettuces and cabbage for her.  That was a lot of fun.  At least, I got to get my hands in the dirt.  Maybe next week, we will work on getting one of our raised beds ready for early crop plants.  I want to plant peas, onions, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, and beets.  Makes my mouth water just thinking about all that fresh food.  I love it!!

Well, that’s about it-not much going on!  Enjoy your day and God bless.


Ice Pictures


Just a few pictures to show you all what it looks like here in Floyd.


As I said yesterday, first we had snow then sleet.


Everything is completely covered.


For the first time since I started taking bread to R G Cattle, I think today is just too bad for me to get out to deliver it.


I guess we’ll just do school and have a cozy day snuggled in.  I hope you all have a great day and God bless.



I took these pictures of Katie a little while back when we were down there visiting.  Ain’t she just the cutest thing?


Do you see her painters tape bracelet?  That girl is all into her some fashion!!

Today we have snow, then sleet on top of the snow.  We were looking forward to going to the Horns today but we have had to postpone because of the weather.  You would think by the middle of March bad weather wouldn’t be an issue but the Lord knows what He is doing.

School  is going along nicely.  We finished language and have started literature in its place. The girls are kinda excited about that.  I think we needed a break from grammar.

I hope you all have a great day and God bless.



Hello everyone!  Definitely long time-no post.  Not sure why it has been so long.  I would say I have been busy but then we are always busy.  I guess I am in a blogging slump!  I just can’t seem to think of anything to say (I know, imagine that huh!!)  Well, anyway, today is beautiful here.  Our temperature is 55 degrees and we have lots of sunshine.  We had snow Friday about 3 in. but it is all gone now.  YEAH!  I am so done with snow and cold weather.  I am ready for picnics and hiking and fun stuff like that.

As I said I am in a blogging slump.  Sitting here typing and I just can’t come up with much to write about.  We are enjoying our new pastor.  He really has some interesting messages-gets us to really thinking about things.  School is going well.  We finished history this week, now to double up on science and get it done.

I guess I better get started on my Sunday night bible study lesson.  I hope you all have a great day and God bless.


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