
Hello everyone!  Seems like time goes by so quickly.  I wanted to give you all an update on Hubby.  He is doing some better.  We did go to the doctor on Thursday.  They did some blood work and we are waiting on the results.

We had a very busy but great weekend.  Chuck and his family came and spent Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday with us.  Irma and her kids were gone to N.C. to see her family.    Her dad has been diagnosed with cancer.  Anyway, Chuck and kids went with us to church on Sunday.  We had a really good crowd at church.  Several visitors, which is very unusual for us.

Today was school as usual.  I had hoped to work on Sam’s quilt but just haven’t gotten around to it yet.  Probably won’t happen today.  I have all the squares sewn together now and am ready to start putting it all together.  I think it looks pretty good.  I will take a picture and show you all when it is finished.  I gave Alexius her quilt this weekend.  She slept under it Saturday night.  When they were leaving Sunday evening, she forgot to carry out her overnight bag.  Chuck carried it out for her.  He asked her if she had forgotten anything.  She said, “No, I got my quilt.”  She wanted to make sure she didn’t forget it.

We have been cold here today.  Morning wind chill temperature was zero when we got up. We did have sunshine though but it still has been cold all day.  I think I am ready for warmer temperatures.  I got a new seed book in the mail today which we have already looked through.  Looking at all that beautiful produce always gives me the fever to go play in the dirt.  Well, it won’t be too much longer (I hope).

Enjoy your evening and God bless.


Update on Job Site


Hello everyone!  I know it has been several days since I made a post.  First off, my blog was down for a few days. Thanks to David, I am now back up and running.  Second, we have been pretty busy here.  I thought I would share a few pictures of how the progress is coming on Hubby’s job. 


We tore up the flooring in the livingroom.  It was in pretty bad shape.


The floor joists were sitting down on the ground.  Of course, there is only one way to fix that. 


This was our progress as of Monday evening.  Tuesday the girls and I had to go to C-burg so I didn’t get to help (too bad, right!)  Hubby did finish moving the dirt out of this section.  Next we will tear up the other side of the floor and do the same thing again.  It is hard work but exciting.  The house is really starting to take shape.  Today, I helped him hang sheetrock on another job.  Thank the Good Lord, work seems to be picking up some for us.  We are SO thankful!


The girls working on school work.  Homeschool is so much fun.  We can take it with us wherever we go. 


I thought I would show you all what damage termites can do.


We will be replacing these pieces of wood with blocks.  Tuesday when we went to C-burg we stopped by the Horn’s for a visit.  They had a great surprise.


Baby Ducks!!!  Their mama duck had just hatched 16 baby ducks.  It was very exciting.  We had a nice visit and Vicki helped me (actually she did all the work) list some school books on Ebay to sell.  Thanks again, Vicki.

Today has been wet and chilly here in Floyd.  When we came home from hanging the sheetrock, I built a fire to take the chill out of the house.  Wet weather seems to make the house feel colder.  Well, I think that about catching up all we have been doing.  I hope you all have a good evening and God bless.

Free At Last


Our chicks.  Look how big they are getting.  Today we finally finished their fenced in area and let them out from their little house.  They were very excited and loved pecking in the grass and dirt.  They are so much fun to watch.  Now when Daniel comes up, he will be able to see them much better.

Today has been nice here.  We worked on the fence and made the gate.  Then Hubby and I went to get haircuts.  A lady from our church cuts our hair.  She does it at her home and always has home baked goodies to share with us.  It’s like a visit instead of just a hair cut.  We always sit around eating a snack, drinking coffee and talking after our hair is cut.

Tomorrow is our church’s trout fest day.  Hopefully I will get some good pictures to share with you all.  Maybe, after we get back, our garden will be dry enough to do some work in it.  I hope to get the plants in the ground from the greenhouse.  They are definitely ready to be planted.   Next year, though, I don’t think I will plant any pepper or broccoli seeds.  They just did not do well at all.  The tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers though are huge.

Enjoy your evening and God bless.





Ain’t they cute!  We went down for a short visit Saturday.  Not as long as we would have liked but still a good visit.  Sam is growing so much already.  He had really filled out.  He seems to be a very content little boy.  Daniel is busy drawing pictures for his mom.  If you look close at his face you can see the “little boy” dirt streaks all over it.  One of his favorite things to do Saturday was play in his little pool for a while, then get out and go play in the dirt and gravel pile.  Pretty much all out fun in little boy world.    Sunday was Ladies Day at church.   This means the ladies have the entire service.  We do everything.  We decided since it was Father’s Day, we would say a few things about our Dads and how they had influenced our lives.  It was a really nice service.  Everyone did such a good job.  Julie and Grace played the special music.  Julie played “God’s Touch” and Grace played “God of our Fathers” and “Faith of our Fathers”.  They both did a great job.  Hard work and practice do produce results.  Having a great teacher really helps too.  Hubby and I make jerky yesterday from some of the hamburger meat we put up from the beef.  We all really like jerky.  It gets eat up pretty fast around here.  After church we mostly just rested and enjoyed the day.  No Sunday night study because it was Father’s Day.  We won’t be meeting for several Sundays in the evenings.  Next Sunday night, VBS will start and the next weekend is the 4th of July weekend.  When we first started doing these studies, we all agreed not to meet on holiday weekends.  Everyone is usually busy doing things with their families.  I think I will be able to pick some more peas today.  I have gathered a few more squash.  I think I will cook a venison roast to go with them, maybe some homemade biscuits.  Sounds good to me.

While we were down at Jessica’s we went to this little hardware store that is a Charlie’s soap outlet.  I don’t know if any of you have heard of it or not, but it is a laundry soap that is made in Mayodan, NC.  You can read about it on the internet.  Well, Jess and I both bought some to try out.   I am going to use it today and see how we like it.   Time to go hang clothes out.  I so enjoy hanging my clothes out on the line.  It is a perfect opportunity to enjoy the sun.  The birds always sing such beautiful praises to God while I’m out there and I get to be part of it.  Thank you, Lord.  Enjoy your day and God bless.



My Grace took this picture the other evening.  The clouds were beautiful.  Thanks for the picture, Grace.  Today looks as though it will be another beautiful day here in Floyd.  The sun is shining, the birds are singing praises.  Beautiful!  I am getting ready to hang clothes on the line.  So much fun.  I also just finished making some homemade yogurt.  I have not made this in a long time.  I usually make kefir.  However I am having difficulties getting it to thicken.  I think it has something to do with temperature.  Without the fire, I don’t think it is warm enough in the house for it to set.   I had this same problem last year in the spring.  So maybe I’ll just make yogurt for a while.   Must be time for a change.  School today as usual.  Hopefully we will finish getting the garden ready to plow today.  I am really ready to play in some fresh turned dirt.  Get some early crops in the ground.  Onions, lettuce, peas, cabbage. YUM!  I don’t think I’ve told you all, but we have a mama goose setting on the island on the pond.  Much excitement.  We have never had one make a nest here before.  We are certainly looking forward to seeing babies swimming around.    We have always said when the birds were singing they were singing praises to the Lord.  On another blog, I read about listening to their praise songs.  I so much like that thought.  So it is time for me to go hang some clothes on the line and listen to some beautiful praise music.  May your day be filled with the sound of praise.  God bless.

Busy Days


I’m sorry I don’t have a picture to post today.  Things have been very busy around here this week.  We got to have some MawMaw and PawPaw time Tuesday and Wednesday.  Those of you who are grandparents know that takes top priority over everything else.  Daniel’s highlight of his stay was riding around the farm in PawPaw’s truck.   Wednesday night was really nice.   David, Jess, and Daniel went to the fellowship meal with us at church.  Everyone (of course) was tremendously impressed with Daniel.  Thursday morning brought water heater problems.  We replaced both elements and thought our problem was fixed.  We should have known better.  Never does plumbing go that smooth.  We left to have dinner with some friends of ours.  We were blessed to pick some apples at their farm.  We came home and discovered a hugh water leak under the sink.  I mean really under the sink, between the dirt and the floor.  The back part of our house sits directly on the ground so this presented a rather large problem.  MY WONDERFUL HUBBY ( with my help) managed to get this fixed today.  Also I have decided to attempt to sell my crafts at another festival.  This one will be Oct. 3.  This means I have 1 week to get more stuff made.  Today after helping with the plumbing and putting poly on a cabinet we are making for ourselves, I finally got to do some sewing.  I made a set of cloth napkins, 1 apron, and set up 1 lap quilt.  Hopefully I will finish the quilt tomorrow.  It is a Christmas quilt.  I will try to post a picture of it when finished.  Well it is late. I am tired.  God Bless.

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