
Hello everyone!  Seems like time goes by so quickly.  I wanted to give you all an update on Hubby.  He is doing some better.  We did go to the doctor on Thursday.  They did some blood work and we are waiting on the results.

We had a very busy but great weekend.  Chuck and his family came and spent Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday with us.  Irma and her kids were gone to N.C. to see her family.    Her dad has been diagnosed with cancer.  Anyway, Chuck and kids went with us to church on Sunday.  We had a really good crowd at church.  Several visitors, which is very unusual for us.

Today was school as usual.  I had hoped to work on Sam’s quilt but just haven’t gotten around to it yet.  Probably won’t happen today.  I have all the squares sewn together now and am ready to start putting it all together.  I think it looks pretty good.  I will take a picture and show you all when it is finished.  I gave Alexius her quilt this weekend.  She slept under it Saturday night.  When they were leaving Sunday evening, she forgot to carry out her overnight bag.  Chuck carried it out for her.  He asked her if she had forgotten anything.  She said, “No, I got my quilt.”  She wanted to make sure she didn’t forget it.

We have been cold here today.  Morning wind chill temperature was zero when we got up. We did have sunshine though but it still has been cold all day.  I think I am ready for warmer temperatures.  I got a new seed book in the mail today which we have already looked through.  Looking at all that beautiful produce always gives me the fever to go play in the dirt.  Well, it won’t be too much longer (I hope).

Enjoy your evening and God bless.


7 thoughts on “Monday

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  1. Praying all goes well with your hubby.. Spring is on it’s way and it will soon be time to do some gardening.. We still have snow but it melts every day..
    Take care, my friend..


  2. I am so glad George is still getting better. Let me know when you get the results to the blood work. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with everyone. I am glad Alexius loved her quilt. It was sunny and warmer here today. Madison and Bub stayed out most of the evening. McKenzie thought it was too windy. I can’t wait until it’s time to garden. Quentin brought me home a rosemary plant the other night. I can’t wait to use it on roasted potatoes and bread. We need to get together soon!



  3. Sorry that hubby isn’t feeling 100% yet. I am glad to hear he is starting to feel better. I know what you mean about warmer weather. We have another round of sleet, ice and snow coming through. Ugh! I keep telling myself just a couple more weeks!

    Have a great evening!


  4. Glad your husband is doing better. The sickness seems to linger this winter. Alexius knows what is important, a quilt from Grandma.

    Have a wonderful day with your family.



  5. I hope your hubby is feeling better. I know what you mean…I’m ready for warmer weather but I’m not looking forward to the HOT and humidity that is always a sure thing but spring time…yes! Hope you have a great week.



  6. Glad you enjoyed the visit and hope everyone gets home safely. It’s good to hear that your husband is getting better. smile I hope the blood work is helpful. I, also long for planting season, but alas today we got a spring snow (melts when it hits the surface). It’s beautiful falling though. smile The bulbs are starting their assention and I am thankful for another season. smile Have a great day and I wish you all the best on your quilting project. Sincerely, Mommy of two growing blessings & so much more!


  7. Our weather has been crazy! Warm, then cold! We have all had the sniffles and sore throats . So, I am ready for warmer spring weather to roll in! And, I am ready to try my hand at a few garden seeds too.

    I am glad your husband is starting to feel a little better.

    Looking foward to seeing the quilt. Didn’t I read that you are sewing 5×5 squares?


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