
Hello everyone!  I hope you all are having a good day.  Things are kinda slow here.  Hubby is still sick-YUCK!  He has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.  I would appreciate your prayers for a healing for him.  He does feel better today than he has in 2 weeks.  I can see an improvement every day just not as fast as we would like.

Yesterday another ice storm came through.  Everything was covered with ice.  This morning though all is gone.  YEAH!  We have some sun with temperatures in the upper 30’s.  We are supposed to get more snow come through Thursday and Friday.  I know, though, spring is just around the corner.  The birds are singing so pretty and the air just has a different feel to it.

Not much else going on here.  School, laundry, housework.  You know, just the usual stuff.  Enjoy your day and God bless.

Piebald Deer


Piebald deer, a genetic variation that occurs in less than 1 percent of the whitetail population, have  white bodies with brown spots, short legs and an arching spine.

We saw one of these last night on our way home from church.  It was very exciting.  I have never seen one before.  The one we saw had a little more brown on it in the front and it was a buck.  It was down close to the road so we got a really good look at it.  Amazing!  I am not sure what the girls and I will be working on today.  I want to check the tomatoes and see if any more are ready and see how close the grapes are to being ready.  If no garden harvest is ready, I guess we’ll just do normal housework.  I hope you all have a great day. God bless.

 I got the picture at



Wednesday, we had a GREAT time!!  We went with the Horn’s to Dollywood.  They had bought season tickets and got free one day passes to take a friend.  We were their friends.  Thanks again, guys.  We left Floyd at 7:00 that morning and got back home around midnight.  It was a long day but filled with fun.  Everyone was tired but happy.  Please be in prayer for Vicki and Quentin.  Quentin’s grandfather passed away yesterday morning. 

Yesterday was a dry day here in Floyd so I jumped in and started working on the garden.  


I tillered both gardens and got them ready for planting.  It was a full day.  This morning I started getting the plants in the ground.  So far, I have planted the potatoes, corn, onions, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.  After lunch, beans and tomatoes.  The girls will be helping me with them.  They have been inside doing the housework this morning while I worked outside. 


These are the seeds the girls and I planted in the greenhouse.  They have done really well.  Maybe all we needed all along was a greenhouse.  They certainly look the best of any seeds we have started before.  Hopefully, they will do good when transferred into the garden.


The squash and cucumbers have really grown.  Speaking of growing, look how big the goslings are.


They were up in the field watching me while I worked.  Well, I think that’s about it.  I better get back into the garden.  Enjoy your day and God bless.








I thought I would share with you all a few pictures of the snow we got on Sunday.  It was (in my opinion) the perfect snow.  It was beautiful to look at, it didn’t get bitter cold after the snow and it is already melting off.  


 We have been working on school and getting housework caught up.  I wonder how it is that our house got so dirty when we were not even here!  Well, you know what they say, “a woman’s work is never done.”  But I love it.  It really makes me happy to look around our home and have things be in order.  Speaking of which, I guess I better get busy with our day.   Tonight’s supper will be tuna cakes, pinto beans, fried potatoes, rolls and (maybe) a peach pie for dessert.  Enjoy your day and God bless.



It’s been a while since I posted pictures of our garden.  It has really grown.  Everything looks to be doing really well.  You can’t tell it from the picture but the potatoes are beginning to bloom.


This is our beans and corn.  We kinda got a late start on planting them but they look strong and healthy.   Today is an absolutely beautiful day here in Floyd.  Temperatures are in the lower 70’s with a nice breeze.  It’s one of those days where it is hard to work inside.  I would much rather be outside enjoying the day.  Hopefully, later after our inside work is done.  I plan on spending some quality time with my green swing.


This is the kind of space I always dreamed of having.  It is one of the most peaceful places I know.  I so much enjoy coming and sitting down in this swing.  The Lord and I have had some of our best conversation here.   I am so thankful to my hubby for making this swing for me and for helping me keep this area beautiful.


I wanted to show you all how the sun was glistening off the rows of corn.  The corn stalks seem to be glowing.  I thought it was very pretty.  I guess I’d better get busy if I want to get my housework done today.  After all, the green swing IS calling my name.  Enjoy your day and God bless.



Our grapevine is looking very good this year.  Last year we only had a few grapes, thanks to a late frost.  Hopefully we will have much more this year.  When we bought the vines I thought I was getting blue concord grapes.  However these are green in color.  They taste like concord grapes though and make great jelly-it’s just green instead of purple.  They seem to be hardy and very productive and that’s what counts.


My mint is doing very well this year.  I have to keep a close eye on it though as it loves to take over the garden.  I think I will make mint tea today.  I make mine by using 2 cups chopped mint leaves with 4 cups of water.  Bring to a boil and remove from heat.  Let sit for 15 min.  Sweeten to taste and refrigerate.  This will make 1 qt. of tea.  Delicious served cold with ice.


This mint is called pineapple mint.  Very colorful.  It makes a beautiful border and very good tea as well.  Sometimes I mix the two mints together.  I love making fresh tea.  Today is my friend Vicki’s birthday.  We are going over to her house for a cook out and to help her celebrate.  I think I will take some fresh tea for her to try.  The girls have started the housework so I guess I best help.  Take care, enjoy your day and God bless.

Fall Colors


Here is a picture taken from our back porch.  The trees are really getting some color to them.  This one is a little late getting color.  I hope to get some really good fall pictures to post.  The temperatures have been a little cool here, overcast and dreary.  Not good weather for picture taking.  School has been going pretty good.  I read this ladies blog and she talked about how they took about 30 minutes every morning to pick up and clean up.  We have been trying this out and it works so much better for us.  I can concentrate on school then and I am not distracted by housework that needs to be done.   Speaking of school,  it’s time for us to begin.  God Bless

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