Good Morning

I hope you are all having a good weekend so far.

Dave came over yesterday and helped us get a lot of things done. First we fixed the latch on the back porch door. It works so good now. Yay!

Then he put up this ceiling fan for Grace in her art room. Bev and Steve gave it to her. I think it looks really good in the room.

Another thing we did was try to start our Honda. For some reason, it won’t start. Dave thinks it might be the plugs and plug wires. I am going to try to get new ones this week so he can replace them. Hopefully that will fix it.

Also he checked out our refrigerator. It has not been working properly. He said it needs a new fan motor. He is going to try to find one online to order.

We also rearranged the propane heater on the glassed in porch and put a larger tank on it. I love using this heater in the winter. I spend a lot of time out here on this porch.

Another thing we worked on was making new gates for the garden area.

I love how they turned out.

Our feed building roof was leaking horribly and we have had a ton of rain here. He cleared off the roof, found the leak and we just spread a tarp over it until we could fix it better.

Grace helped us with some of the projects but after lunch she had her own project to work on. She dug this ditch and make this cute little pond in her duck lot.

It was a lot of work but it looks so good and the ducks love it.

After that Jess and the kids came over. We ate supper together, spaghetti and garlic bread and homemade chocolate chip cookies. Then we did a little campfire. It was a really good day. Today we are going over to the Horns to have a craft day. Thank you, Lord, for family and friends.

God bless.

New River Fiber Company

Last Saturday Jessica, Retia, Kelly and myself made a trip to a yarn store. It was in Blacksburg. We enjoyed the day, looking at all kinds of different yarns.

While we were enjoying our day, Grace, Daniel, Sam and Katie were having fun at the farm. They made an oreo dessert, played videos games and took a walk.

Just a few of the pictures Grace took on their walk.

I’ve been working on a few crochet projects this week. We are much too wet here to do any outside work.

I didn’t buy any yarn at the yarn store as I had this to work with already. Jess purchased a box of yarn for me and herself during the summer. This beautiful yarn was in it. I love it. It is so soft.

This yarn also came in the package. I have found a new to me YouTube channel to watch. It is called fiber flux. I have learned both these stitches from watching her channel.

That’s all for now. God bless.

Good Morning

It is a beautiful morning here in Floyd. Hurricane Florence has passed through. Everything is soaked but the air smells so fresh. Damage from the storm was not too bad here. Lots of flooding and road damage but not so bad. We did not loose power but I do not know about the rest of the area. We have not been out as I understand our road is not open.

On to happier things, we celebrated this handsome young man’s birthday this weekend. He is eleven. How amazing is that.

He chose a space theme. Jess did a great job with all the decorations. She made a cake, had milky way bars and moon pies. It was a lot of fun. He received a Nintendo 2ds from Dave and Jess. Grace and I got him a Pokemon game to play on it. They played it all weekend. Fun stuff.

Jess put this picture of Daniel on Facebook for his birthday. I think it is such a good picture.

We made a new jam recipe. It is called caramel apple jam. It looks good. We haven’t tried it yet but I took a jar to Jess. She said they liked it.

We canned more pie filling.

The kittens hard at work!

Enjoy your day and God bless.

Corn Cob Jelly

Hello everyone. I hope you have all had a good weekend. Grace and I made something new to us this past week. We made corn cob jelly. It is something we have seen before in little country stores around here but we have never made it. To be honest, we had never even tasted it. But you know I like to try new recipes so we gave it a try. We tasted it after it was finished. It has a slightly honey taste, definitely nothing like corn. We used the surejell recipe to make it so it is really sweet but still good.

Lots of fog here yesterday and today.

Grace loves foggy days for doing art work.

Here are a few of the things she has been working on.

This is one of her bigger projects. She is still working on it.

She has to put the colors on all these. There are 100 Pokemon characters on this paper all drawn from memory. I’ll put a picture on here when they are all finished. She has also been studying to take her GED test.

Another new thing. We now have two inside kitties. We think they are very cute.

We were blessed with some apples from Richard the other day. He has the best apples. They come from a very old tree and I’m not sure what variety they are. I just know they are good.

I made a pie first off with them. Yesterday I dried some in the dehydrator. I plan on drying some more today and hopefully canning some apple pie filling.

We bought some fall plants to go in a couple of the raised beds.

This beautiful little bird has been coming by every morning for a bite of food. He makes me happy to see him.

One more picture of the fog. Enjoy your day and God bless.

Sunday Morning

Good morning everyone!

We have been experiencing some really strong storms this week but this morning is calm. Just a little fog.

Tree limbs blown down on Grace’s duck lot.

No major damage though.

Grace and I put up our fall decorations yesterday. She loves fall. This shelf is above her art desk.

We also decorated the mantel.

Madison painted the scarecrow picture.

Fall is such a fun time.

Grace took this beautiful picture in a field on our way home from town. I love the cardinal reds that bloom this time of year. So pretty.

We have been blessed with a few more beans and I have saved a few flower seeds. Still working on the raised beds. I did get one bed planted with turnips yesterday before the rain came.

Grace does a lot of drawing on her computer. This is her latest one. The characters are her creations. One is named Ferkie and the other one is Zolten. The smaller one is Ferkie.

Beautiful sky last night.

I hope you all have a great day and God bless.

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