Rainy Tuesday

Hello everyone!  We are really getting rain today.  I think it is predicted to get about 5″ but I think we have already gotten that much.  Well, we really need rain so I’m thankful besides I love the sound of rain on our tin roof.  Makes me want to curl up with a good book and a cup of coffee or tea.  However, that is not possible as we are still working on apples.  I love the fact that we have all these apples but I am getting a little tired of working on them.  So Thursday or Friday, Mrs. Faye and her hubby and us are going to Mt. Airy to purchase new crop pinto beans.  We will be spending the day looking at little shops along the way and fun things like that.  Then she and I are going to get together next week and can them or at least that’s the plan as of now.  I went to her house yesterday to help her with her apples.  We did apple juice, applesauce and canned apples.  We had a lot of fun together.

Well, that’s about it.  Sorry I haven’t posted much but there’s not much going on here.  I don’t think I mentioned it but Mt. Airy is the home of the Andy Griffith show.  Have any of you ever watched it?  I’ll try to take some pictures to show you all.  Enjoy your day and God bless.



I thought I would show you all how big these goslings are.  It always amazes me how fast they grow.  They are however ravenous eaters.  We also have ducklings (we think).  She hatched them off and took them up into the field.  We have not seen them since.  Mama  and Papa Duck are still around though so we are confident the ducklings are too.  Mama is just keeping them well hidden.


I forgot to mention in yesterdays post about the chick house, all the planks and the door are from the old farmhouse we are working on.  He said we could have all the old wood.  We have been thinking of ways to reuse it.  I think some of it will go to box in the remainder of our back porch.  Today is a nice day here in Floyd.  Temperature is 66 degrees.  We have had some sun but it is overcast now and I think rain is coming. 

Tonights menu at church is kraut and weiners, pinto beans, cornbread, cole slaw and strawberry rhubarb pie. (Thats just what I know about).  For a class of 10-12 people, we sure do eat good.   Time for me to start getting everything ready.  Enjoy your evening and God bless.

Little Chicks New Home


We’ve been busy getting the little chicks new home ready for them.  They are growing so fast.  They have outgrown their little coup and are in need of a bigger home.  We decided this building would work great for them.    It was a metal shed we built several years ago to store the lawn mower in.  It needed planks on the inside to keep it warm in the winter.  The girls and I put them up Friday evening.  Then this morning, we all went out and got started fixing the front.  It now has a nice door and a window and is fully enclosed.  All we lack now is making some nests for them and putting up the fence and building the gate.  Okay, so that sounds like we lack quite a bit but we are one step closer now than we were yesterday.  You can see one of the old hens in front of the house.  They were so curious as to why we were blocking off the shed as it is one of their favorite places to take a dust bath. 

Today was cool here.  Temperatures were in the high 40’s-lower 50’s.  We wore light jackets all day while we were working.  We came in and ate supper.  I knew today would be a long day outside working so this morning I put some pork in the crockpot and some pinto beans in another crockpot.  All I had to do when we came in was fry some potatoes and make cornbread.  I then decided to build a fire as it was about 60 degrees in the house.  We are nice and warm now.  There is just something very comforting about a wood fire.  So relaxing.

I hope you all have a great evening and God bless. 






I thought I would share with you all a few pictures of the snow we got on Sunday.  It was (in my opinion) the perfect snow.  It was beautiful to look at, it didn’t get bitter cold after the snow and it is already melting off.  


 We have been working on school and getting housework caught up.  I wonder how it is that our house got so dirty when we were not even here!  Well, you know what they say, “a woman’s work is never done.”  But I love it.  It really makes me happy to look around our home and have things be in order.  Speaking of which, I guess I better get busy with our day.   Tonight’s supper will be tuna cakes, pinto beans, fried potatoes, rolls and (maybe) a peach pie for dessert.  Enjoy your day and God bless.

Jess and Sam


We have had a BEAUTIFUL day here in Floyd.  The temperature right now is 60 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!  I absolutely love it.  The girls and I worked on cleaning the house this morning, then we started on school.  Hubby is working on a chair design for us.  He made our kitchen table several years ago and he made benches to go with it.  Well, you know how we women are, now I want chairs instead of benches. 

After he worked some on the chair, he decided to cut wood.  He went up on the hill and cut wood while we finished school.  Then we all worked together splitting the wood and stacking it.  It was a great day for outside work.  My menu plan for tonight has changed.  I had planned on meatloaf, fried potatoes and pinto beans but it is a little too late to do meatloaf.  Hubby said he would like hotdogs so we are having hotdogs and pintos.  Tomorrow we will have the meatloaf. 

I hope you all have a great evening and God bless.



When Dave & Jess were up for the weekend, we all went riding in the “bumpy” truck.  This is one of Daniel’s favorite things to do when he comes to our house.  It also is one of Grace’s favorite things to do.  She took this beautiful picture of the sunset. 

Yesterday, we went to a friend’s house.  Her sister has thornless blackberries and she had said we could come and pick.  We picked about 1 gal.  They are very easy to pick.  No thorns-I really like that.  We then went back to my friend’s house and had a cookout.  We had hamburgers, pinto beans, cole slaw and watermelon.  It was a really nice day.  We got 3 pints of blackberry juice and 4 pts of blackberry jam, plus saved back about a quart to eat. 

I have some aprons to deliver today, then we will be going over to the Horn’s for a visit.  After that, the girls have piano lessons.  I need to get one more apron made before we leave so I guess I better get busy.  Enjoy your day and God bless.



Here are a few pictures of some flowers that are blooming around our house now.  I am pretty sure these are called violas.  I so enjoy their tiny bright blooms.  So cheerful.  Purple and yellow are my favorite color combinations for flowers.



Yesterday, we made strawberry rhubarb jam.  I had enough rhubarb to make a rhubard pie as well.  The recipe I use is :

1 cup rhubard- finely chopped, 1/4 cup melted butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 tbsp cornstarch and 2 eggs well beaten.  Combine all ingredients and pour into 1 unbaked pie crust.  Bake at 350 degrees until done.  It takes about 45 min in my oven.  I have made this pie for about 25 years.  It is a family favorite.

Today was friends day at church.  We had a great day.  Probably about 70 people in total.  Our numbers usually run in the 40’s.  We had some really good music, a good sermon from our pastor and  a great fellowship meal afterward because you all know how much we like to eat.  I took pinto beans, green onions and a peach sauce pie.   We won’t be having evening bible study tonight so we plan on just relaxing this evening.  The girls and I will be traveling down to Jessica’s tomorrow to watch the boys.  She will be having an ultra sound tomorrow to (maybe) discover if she will be having a boy or girl.  This all depends upon the baby’s cooperation of course.  

Enjoy your day and God bless.

Baby Ducks


We finally managed to get some pictures of the baby ducks.  They have grown so much.  When she first brought them off the nest, they were so tiny.   We could hardly see them in the grass. 


She is getting very brave with them now.  In these pictures, she is in the edge of the yard.  Maybe not too smart with all the cats we have running around here.

Today has been rather hot here.    Hubby worked some on putting the vinyl siding on the new room we built last fall.  He almost got it all finished.  We washed clothes and hung them out.   They dried pretty quick.  Todays “lupper” was wilted lettuce and onions with crumbled bacon,  pinto beans and corn on the cob.  I also baked some corn bread and made some flitters, watermelon for dessert.

Enjoy your day and God bless.

More Daniel and Sam


So here are the other pictures I could not get to load yesterday. 


Today we are getting much needed rain.  The fog has already come in so it promises to be a dreary day here in Floyd, a good day for a inside project. Temperature is about 35 degrees.  Hopefully, this will all be rain.   I am hoping next week to get some outside work done here.  All the trees and bushes need trimming, along with the grapevines.   We also need to do some cleanup in the blackberries.  Not my favorite job.  The thorns are hard to work with but it has to be done if we want to enjoy the berries.   I love outside work.  In my opinion, so much more fun than cleaning house.   I am already looking forward to enjoying  fresh fruit and veggies. 

I added a little bit to my menu  last night.  One of our favorite things to eat in the spring is wilted lettuce and green onions.   Hubby likes pinto beans with his.  So I purchased some fresh baby greens at the store, put a little chopped onion on top.  Then I heated olive oil  (shameful but I did not have bacon grease).  Next step is to pour some of the hot oil on top of the greens and onions, then top it off with pinto beans.  A big chunk of cornbread finished it up.    It was not as good as it would have been fresh from our garden but it definitely was good.  

Enjoy your weekend and God bless.

Daniel and Sam


Daniel is doing some serious thinking about something, probably something he can get into.


Baby Sam is definitely growing.  I have other pictures but for some reason I could not get them to load correctly.  Hopefully, I will be able to post them tomorrow.  Today is sunny here but kinda chilly.   Temperature is 30 degrees.  It was 18 degrees this morning when Hubby went to work.  I am going to hang clothes outside in just a few minutes.  I’ll need a coat and gloves though.  I can’t stand for my fingers to get cold.  I know I’m becoming wimpy in my old age. 

We are planning to go to our friends, the Horns, after lunch.  It has been too long since we got to spend time together.  Supper tonight is cooked beef chunks with potatoes, pinto beans and corn bread.  I already have the beef in the crockpot.  Before we leave to go to the Horns, I will add the potatoes.    I also have the pintos cooking in another crockpot.  Hopefully all will be done when we get home except baking the corn bread. 

Enjoy your day and God bless.

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