Chocolate Gravy

In a bowl mix:

1/2 cup flour, 1/4 cup cocoa, 3/4 cup sugar

Add 3/4 cup evaporated milk  and mix well.  (I use 1/4 cup  evaporated milk, then add enough water to make 3/4 cup)  Bring to boil 3 cups water.  Add above mixture to boiling water, stirring as you add mix.  When thick add 1 tsp vanilla and 2 tbsp. butter.  Serve with hot biscuits.


Snowball bush


Some of you all might remember this picture from last year.  Last year’s post was titled “Snowball bloom” because it only had one bloom on it.  This year it looks like this.


It has lots and lots of bloom on it. 


Today is foggy here.  Very damp.  I was hoping to hang clothes outside on the line to dry but I don’t think that is going to happen.  It is fairly warm though-55 degrees.  We are working on school this morning.  Then I have an appointment to get two tires put on the car and get an inspection sticker.  I guess that will fill up my afternoon.  By the time I get back it will be time for supper.  We are having homemade soup this evening with grilled cheese sandwiches.  I used the remainder of the  pork that I cooked Saturday for the soup.  the girls and I are having chocolate gravy for lunch.  It is one of their favorites. 

Well, it is time for me to go check math problems.  I hope you all have a great day and God bless.



I thought I would show you all how big these goslings are.  It always amazes me how fast they grow.  They are however ravenous eaters.  We also have ducklings (we think).  She hatched them off and took them up into the field.  We have not seen them since.  Mama  and Papa Duck are still around though so we are confident the ducklings are too.  Mama is just keeping them well hidden.


I forgot to mention in yesterdays post about the chick house, all the planks and the door are from the old farmhouse we are working on.  He said we could have all the old wood.  We have been thinking of ways to reuse it.  I think some of it will go to box in the remainder of our back porch.  Today is a nice day here in Floyd.  Temperature is 66 degrees.  We have had some sun but it is overcast now and I think rain is coming. 

Tonights menu at church is kraut and weiners, pinto beans, cornbread, cole slaw and strawberry rhubarb pie. (Thats just what I know about).  For a class of 10-12 people, we sure do eat good.   Time for me to start getting everything ready.  Enjoy your evening and God bless.

Little Chicks New Home


We’ve been busy getting the little chicks new home ready for them.  They are growing so fast.  They have outgrown their little coup and are in need of a bigger home.  We decided this building would work great for them.    It was a metal shed we built several years ago to store the lawn mower in.  It needed planks on the inside to keep it warm in the winter.  The girls and I put them up Friday evening.  Then this morning, we all went out and got started fixing the front.  It now has a nice door and a window and is fully enclosed.  All we lack now is making some nests for them and putting up the fence and building the gate.  Okay, so that sounds like we lack quite a bit but we are one step closer now than we were yesterday.  You can see one of the old hens in front of the house.  They were so curious as to why we were blocking off the shed as it is one of their favorite places to take a dust bath. 

Today was cool here.  Temperatures were in the high 40’s-lower 50’s.  We wore light jackets all day while we were working.  We came in and ate supper.  I knew today would be a long day outside working so this morning I put some pork in the crockpot and some pinto beans in another crockpot.  All I had to do when we came in was fry some potatoes and make cornbread.  I then decided to build a fire as it was about 60 degrees in the house.  We are nice and warm now.  There is just something very comforting about a wood fire.  So relaxing.

I hope you all have a great evening and God bless. 






I thought I would show you ladies what happens when a cinderblock falls on your toe. Thankfully, I was wearing boots or it would have been lots worse. I must tell you all though, I really hesitated about showing you this picture. I did not realize I had such strange looking feet until I took this picture. Oh well, they are what they are, I guess.  It didn’t get me out of work though. I had to go with him this morning to texture the ceiling on the sheetrock job. That job is finished now so we can go back to working just the remodeling job. He has been going to the sheetrock job in the mornings and the remodeling job in the evenings. Doesn’t that sound wonderful!!! 2 jobs at one time. We are so blessed.

 Our temperatures did warm up some today. I think we actually got to about 50 degrees. It is supposed to be cold again tonight. I just finished building a fire to keep us toasty warm. I kinda thought we were finished with fires for this season but I guess I was wrong.   I hope all this cold doesn’t destroy the fruit harvest.

 I hope you all have a great evening. God bless.



Hello ladies!  Just a quick post to let you all know we are getting snow.  It has been snowing here all morning.  Nothing has laid on but it sure is pretty to look at.   Temperature is 32 degrees with lots of wind.  Feels like winter not spring. 


Well, I am off to help Hubby.  He is already on the job site waiting for me.  School is almost finished.  The girls will do history after lunch.  Enjoy your day and God bless.

Update on Job Site


Hello everyone!  I know it has been several days since I made a post.  First off, my blog was down for a few days. Thanks to David, I am now back up and running.  Second, we have been pretty busy here.  I thought I would share a few pictures of how the progress is coming on Hubby’s job. 


We tore up the flooring in the livingroom.  It was in pretty bad shape.


The floor joists were sitting down on the ground.  Of course, there is only one way to fix that. 


This was our progress as of Monday evening.  Tuesday the girls and I had to go to C-burg so I didn’t get to help (too bad, right!)  Hubby did finish moving the dirt out of this section.  Next we will tear up the other side of the floor and do the same thing again.  It is hard work but exciting.  The house is really starting to take shape.  Today, I helped him hang sheetrock on another job.  Thank the Good Lord, work seems to be picking up some for us.  We are SO thankful!


The girls working on school work.  Homeschool is so much fun.  We can take it with us wherever we go. 


I thought I would show you all what damage termites can do.


We will be replacing these pieces of wood with blocks.  Tuesday when we went to C-burg we stopped by the Horn’s for a visit.  They had a great surprise.


Baby Ducks!!!  Their mama duck had just hatched 16 baby ducks.  It was very exciting.  We had a nice visit and Vicki helped me (actually she did all the work) list some school books on Ebay to sell.  Thanks again, Vicki.

Today has been wet and chilly here in Floyd.  When we came home from hanging the sheetrock, I built a fire to take the chill out of the house.  Wet weather seems to make the house feel colder.  Well, I think that about catching up all we have been doing.  I hope you all have a good evening and God bless.

Birds and Spring Cleaning


The other day when we went to work with Hubby, Grace got these pictures.


I think she did a really good job.  Today was spring cleaning day at church.  Every spring we set aside one Saturday to come and clean the church.  Heavy duty cleaning.  We had a great time and the church looks and smells really nice.  We were hanging up the freshly washed curtains when I noticed how nice they smelled.  I commented on it and was told they had been washed in the homemade lavender laundry soap that I made.  How about that!

Here are a few random pictures taken today.


This picture is looking directly across the road from our church.  See how green the trees are getting.


Grace cleaning the windows.


Steve cleaning the ramp.


Not sure what Ross is doing.


And they think we women talk a lot.  Enjoy your day and God bless.



Our grapevine is coming along nicely.    Remember last year we cut it back too much and didn’t get not one single grape from it.  We are hoping for lots and lots of grapes this year.

We have been busy this week with school and other miscellaneous things.  Nothing too big.  We went to help Hubby yesterday.  The room he is working on needs lots of work on the floor.  It is sagging very badly.  He has to take the floor up and get under the house to jack it up.   It had little linoleum squares on it that had been put on with some kind of heavy duty glue.  We had to take the heat gun to each individual square and then use a shovel to get them up.  It took most of the day. 

We are having a little cold spell here.  We call it dogwood winter as the dogwoods are in full bloom.  We have been in the upper 20’s at night with frost.  Yesterday’s high was low 40’s with lots of wind.  Chilly but today has been nice.  Sun and temperatures in the low 60’s.  I like that much better. 

Well, that’s about all that is happening here.  I hope you all have a wonderful evening and God bless.



Look at our new toy!  Grace and I put it together this evening.  The thing is  I’m not sure how to use it.   Do we leave it inside when we start the seeds or do we put it outside?  I am totally unfamilar with one of these.  I tried to find out how to use it on the internet but could’nt find exactly what I was looking for.  Have any of you used one?  If so, could you share your knowledge.  Grace is really excited about starting seeds so I would really like to make it work.  I have tried starting seeds for many years but never have success.  They grow up tall and “spindly” and then die.  Last year we tried starting them like this:  They looked really good until we transplanted them and they just died.  So sad!  All that work and then nothing.  I REALLY want Grace to be more successful than I have been over the years, so as I said earlier, any advice would be appreciated. 

Enjoy your day and God bless.


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