Picnic and a Surprise


Tuesday we went for a picnic with the Horn’s.  We had a great time.  It was our first picnic of the season with them.


The picnic spot was beautiful!


Fresh strawberries from North Carolina.  It’s still too early here for them but these were delicious!


I came home today to find this lounge chair being made.  I love it!  Thanks Hubby.  We have looked at this design for a while now and he said he thought today was a good day to build one.  It is chilly here today and very windy.  Our temperature is 50 degrees as I type.  I think there is a freeze warning in effect for tonight.  Wouldn’t you know it, we just got our plants in the ground this week.  I certainly hope they are wrong.  It has been a beautiful day though, just chilly.  Beautiful sunshine and the air is so clean and clear.  I do love days like this.

Have a great evening and God bless.


Chicken Day


Friday was chicken butchering day for us and the Horns.  We had a really good day, learned a lot and had lots of good fellowship.  All together we butchered 10 roosters.  We were kinda amazed at how big they looked before we butchered them versus how small they looked when finished.  Huge difference.  We are kinda talking about going with the bigger meat birds next year.  We’re not sure yet though.


Our pastor made us these killing cones.  They are really neat.  I would recommend anyone butchering their own chickens to have one.  They make it a lot easier.  Saturday, the girls and I went down to Jessica’s.  We watched the kids while Dave and Jess had a date afternoon to celebrate their anniversary.  They have been married 12 years.  They went to the movies and David brought us back sushi to try.  We had never eaten it before.  It was actually pretty good.  Grace really liked it.

Sunday, I went to church alone as Julie, Grace and Hubby were not feeling very well.  Julie and Grace seem to have a cold-congestion with lots of coughing.  Hubby is having tummy troubles.  Hopefully all will be well soon.  Today is a beautiful day here in Floyd.  Sunshine with temperatures in the mid 30’s.  It could be a little warmer for my taste but the sun is beautiful.  I have a pork tenderloin cooking away on top of the wood stove.  It smells yummy.  I think I will have potatoes, green beans and cornbread with it.

Well, we are starting school so I better get off.  I hope you all have a great day and God bless.

Sunrise, Geese and Jasper


Not much going on here this morning.  Grace is practicing piano and Julie has already practiced.  Then we will do the regular morning chores of sweeping, shaking rugs, etc.  Then time for school.


It is a beautiful day here.  Lots of sunshine.  We were a little cool last night-mid 30’s.  I will probably have to build a fire by this evening.  It is chilly in the house-62 degrees-but I am hoping it warms up in here as the day goes by.  I have clothes in the washer ready to go on the line to dry.


I took this picture of Jasper this morning as he was on duty.  There are calves that get out continuously.  Jasper takes his duty very seriously.  He makes sure they know their boundaries.  He does not allow them in the yard.  He has learned well this summer.  I think he will be a very good farm dog.

Well, Grace is almost done practicing so I better get busy.  I hope you all have a great day and God bless.


Hi everyone!  Today is a beautiful day here in Floyd.  Actually it has been a beautiful week so far.  Our nighttime temperatures have been in the mid 40’s and daytime highs are low 70’s.  Perfect temps in my opinion.

Sunday we took the girls to Tweetsie Railroad for a day out.  We had actually planned on going with Dave, Jess and kids but the kids had some type of virus going on.  Daniel and Sam had it earlier in the week and we thought maybe Katie had escaped getting it.  However, Saturday afternoon Katie came down with it so they did not get to go with us.   Hubby actually decided to go with us at the last minute.  He is not much for amusement parks but I think he didn’t want us going alone.  We had a really fun day but kept missing Jess and crew.  Sam so loves trains.

Today we are working with apples, SURPRISE!  We also had 4 more l00 lb sacks of apples gave to us Friday evening.  We will have plenty of apples this winter.  I am juicing most of the ones gave to us Friday.  We are making applesauce and applebutter too.  Our steam juicer and our sauce maker sure do make this work go faster.  I am very glad we have them.

Seems like we have been so busy here.  I haven’t had time to make a post or read anyone else’s posts.  I will try to catch up some today.  Enjoy your day and God bless.



What’s Blooming


I thought I would show you ladies a few pictures of what is in bloom around our home.  First, these lilies are huge this year.


I wish I could tell you the name of these, but I have forgotten what it is.


I love yellow and purple together. 


I know the name of these-strawberries!!!  We just planted these this year but they are doing very good.


Our raspberries are looking good this year.  We love raspberries.  They are just now starting to ripen.  YUM!!

Today is a beautiful day here in Floyd.  Our temperature is in the mid 70’s with a good breeze.  Nice day for sitting in the shade and relaxing.  We are having chicken and veggies on the grill for lupper and homemade ice cream is churning as I type.  I hope you all have a wonderful day and God bless.

Maple buds


Grace took this picture of the maple buds last time we were down at Jessica’s. 

 Today has been a very beautiful day here with lots of sunshine.  Temperatures are in the upper 50’s and the wind has finally laid down.  Very nice.  We had planned on going to the Horn’s today after school but Grace is getting a sore throat.  So we decided not to go.  Hopefully, it is nothing serious and we can go over there on Thursday.  That’s the plan anyway. 

I have found a new curriculum for school and was wondering if any of you all were familar with it.  It is  http://www.clp.org/christian_light_education  It seems pretty good and I am thinking of going with it for math especially.  Their teacher books have the solutions to the problems, not just the answers.  I need that especially now as we are getting into geometry and alegbra. 

I think I will go enjoy some of this sunshine.  Enjoy your day and God bless.

Daniel and Darth Vader


Daniel is SO into Star Wars right now.  He has a light saber and everything.  He earned his light saber.    He has just recently been promoted to a booster seat and was having trouble getting his seat belt to buckle.  His mom told him if he could buckle himself in 10 times on his own, they would buy him a light saber.  Motivation, you know.  Well, it took him a while but he has it down pat now.   He was super excited because when they went to purchase his light saber, they found a place on line where they could get 3 light sabers for the same price as one at Wal-Mart.  Daniel says he got himself one, Daddy one, and Sam one so they can all be Jedi.  Way to go, Daniel.

Today is a BEAUTIFUL day here in Floyd.  The sun is shining and the temperature is already 40 degrees.  We have gotten a great start on our day.  The house chores are done and we even have a few minutes of relaxation before school starts.  I was wondering if any of you ladies make kefir and if you do, do you use the powdered starter or the grains?  I have made it a lot using the powdered starter but am wondering if the grains would be better.  Any opinions?

I hope you all have a wonderful day and God bless.



Monday afternoon the rain stopped and the wind really picked up.  The girls finished their outside chores and wanted to stay outside for awhile.  Do you see the two little dots in the distance?   Well, that’s them.   I took  these  this pictures from the house as they were walking the field. 


They are never out without company.  The cats always follow them any time they walk outside.  I zoomed this picture in so you could see them better.


And, of course, Shadow.  He would never dream of allowing them to be out of his sight.  I’m not sure why this picture turned out so dark but you can still see him. 

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  The girls and I were at Jessica’s.  The temperature at her house was in the 60’s so I know it was probably in the 50’s here.  I love this weather-makes me think about spring.  Today is supposed to be nice too and then rain is in the forecast.  The girls and I are going to the Horn’s today after school.  YEAH!  We are soooo looking forward to it.  Enjoy your day and God bless.


Jess and Sam


We have had a BEAUTIFUL day here in Floyd.  The temperature right now is 60 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!  I absolutely love it.  The girls and I worked on cleaning the house this morning, then we started on school.  Hubby is working on a chair design for us.  He made our kitchen table several years ago and he made benches to go with it.  Well, you know how we women are, now I want chairs instead of benches. 

After he worked some on the chair, he decided to cut wood.  He went up on the hill and cut wood while we finished school.  Then we all worked together splitting the wood and stacking it.  It was a great day for outside work.  My menu plan for tonight has changed.  I had planned on meatloaf, fried potatoes and pinto beans but it is a little too late to do meatloaf.  Hubby said he would like hotdogs so we are having hotdogs and pintos.  Tomorrow we will have the meatloaf. 

I hope you all have a great evening and God bless.

A Wood Cutting Day


Yesterday, Hubby, myself and the girls did some wood cutting.  It was a beautiful day for outside work.  Temperature was warm close to 50 degrees.  Sunshine.  We cut one truck load of wood, brought it home, split and stacked it.  We also split and stacked another truckload that we already had cut. 


Our faithful truck.  We bought this truck from Hubby’s dad several years ago.  He bought it new.  It definitely earns its keep. 


Another faithful member of our wood cutting crew. 


And my Grace, who after working hard yesterday got hit with a stomach virus last night.  It started about 1:30 a.m.  She seems to be feeling better this evening but it has been a rough night and day.  We are praying no one else gets it but I guess time will tell. 

Enjoy your day and God bless.

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