Chuck’s Bed


I thought I would show you all Hubby’s latest project.  He has been working on making a bed for Chuck.  It is almost finished.  The headboard and footboard used to be our dining table benches.  When we first made our dining table we made benches to go with it.  Years later I decided I was tired of the benches and wanted chairs.  So he made me chairs.  (He’s so good about things like that!)  Anyway the benches moved up to the building for a while and now they are being remade into a bed.  I like that.

We have been busy with our garden here.  Canning is in full swing.  I love it!!!  Lots of good food being saved for winter time.  Our cucumbers are just about gone.  I thought about planting some more seeds but I don’t think they would have time to do anything.  We have been blessed with lots of cucumbers this year so we have made several batches of pickles.  I put the recipe for the Christmas pickles over into my recipe file under canning if any of you are interested.  We had our first taste of fresh corn this past week.  YUM!  I love fresh garden corn.  When I was younger and it was time to put up the corn, my mom would always cook corn on the cob for breakfast.  She said it put us in the right frame of mind.

We had our annual Sunday School Breakfast this morning.   We usually have it at SmartView Park here on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  For some reason (that I will never understand) the Parkway has decided not to open many of the picnic areas this year.  So we couldn’t have our breakfast there.  The road is still washed out going down to the river so we had our breakfast at the Coon Hunters Club.  Yes, ladies, coon hunting IS a sport here.  We have never participated in it but many people do.  Anyway, we had tons of good food!!  It was a really nice way to start off the service.

Tomorrow, I will be helping Hubby texture a ceiling.  After that we have some tomatoes to can.  I think we will make spaghetti sauce with them. In the meantime, I have a new book from the library, a cup of tea and a green swing that is calling my name.   I hope you all have a great evening and God bless.


5 thoughts on “Chuck’s Bed

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  1. I REALLY think the bed turned out wonderful! We are still picking cucumbers. Not sure if they will amount to enough to make pickles or not. We DO participate in coon hunting here at our place. 🙂 We have been stuffing our faces full of tomatoes and canned some too. Homemade spaghetti sauce sounds so good. A cup of tea on the green swing sounds really relaxing. I am drinking a new(to me) tea this week. It is called Black Cherry Berry and is so good. You have to try it! And you certainly can have 2 kittens. I have enough to go around. I am thinking the yellow ones are going to be snowshoe siamese like Sagwa. I am just guessing though. I made that pizza crust again last week. I am going to use it this week for pizza and a chocolate chip dessert pizza. We should talk soon. 🙂


  2. Oh Donna your to funny. I laughed out loud when I read about the coons.
    I getting super excited with the soon to be arrival of canning season here.
    The bed looks amazing. The best part is that it has a story behind it. I hope it stays a bed and gets passed on for generations to come.
    Our corn is not ready yet, but when it is I would love to try it with the children for breakfast. I loved hearing ths about your Mom. We often will put creamed corn in scrambled eggs, but we have never had corn on the cob for breakfast.
    Have a wonderful day 🙂


  3. That is a wonderful bed! I love things handmade ~ they are treasures for sure! I am wanting to do some canning too!

    I hope your day is filled with loveliness!


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