

Hello everyone!  I hope your week has been good.  Things here are moving along.  George had his surgery on Wednesday to install his porta cath.  It went very well.  We hope this will make it much easier for his iv.  They have such a hard time getting into his veins.  We also found out on Wednesday that Grace has Lyme Disease.  They have started her on a 20 day antibiotic.  Lyme Disease is very bad here in Floyd.

On a lighter note, our garden is doing very well.  We canned 14 pts of pickles yesterday and hope to can more by Tuesday.  We also had our first mess of peas this week and our squash and zucchini are coming in as well.  I love fresh food from the garden.

The above picture was taken last week.  The kids had so much fun playing at the river.  Nothing says summer more than cool water on a hot day.

I hope you all have a great day and God bless.

6 thoughts on “Sunday

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  1. Sorry to hear about Grace. I hope that once treated she won’t have any lasting effects. Glad to hear that your garden is doing well. Mine is coming along also. I need to get in there and weed for they choke everything out. Have a great week!


  2. I hope Grace is feeling much better. We made 7 quarts of dill pickles yesterday. Today we did 6 quarts of beans and 3 pints of pickled beets. I think I have learned to enjoy canning. I learned that from you! 🙂 I love the picture at the river. Do you think we could go Friday or Saturday?


  3. I hope that Grace is doing better. What a fun picture! I bet they all enjoyed that. Glad to hear that George’s surgery is going well. You and your family are in my prayers.



  4. Hi Donna.. I found you.. smile… Your family looks sweet and so glad George and Grace are being treated and all is going well.. They will still be in my prayers daily.. You get your harvest so much sooner then we do.. Our strawberries are coming now but the gardens will be much later.. Still doing rhubarb, too.. grin… xoox


  5. Lyme disease is on the rise here in our province this year as well.
    I hope Grace feels much better soon. Your so ahead with your gardens. We were doing well with ours the last couple weeks and on Saturday we were hit by TS Aurthur and he took all my yellow beans leaves leaving only the stems….. (Not sure if they will come back.)
    And the most of my kitchen garden is still flooded. It does not look good. We are expecting rain everyday this week. We got 5 inches on Saturday alone 😦
    As for my poor annuals they look horrible, I have gave them miracle grow last evening and are hoping for the best.
    I loved your pic of the river.
    Take care


  6. I do hope the thing that was put in helps a lot with the IV, that would be wonderful! smile I also hope the medicine helps Grace heal quickly from the lime desise. That sounds awful! Sorry bout all of that. I join you in being thankful for fresh things from the garden to keep your hands busy. smile We have peas in this year too and they are so much fun to watch grow on the vine and then to hear the excited voices of the jems found, sssshhh, don’t tell them they are vegetables. big smile Actually, we do tell them and they are proud to tell us that they are much better from our back yard than in the store. big smile Have a great day. Sincerely, Mommy of two growing blessings & so much more1


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